Your Free “Instant Calm” Session For Calming Your Mind & Body From Anxiety
This is the first session of my upcoming “Instant Calm & Automatic Change” series.
Each session in this Instant Calm series is designed to automatically ‘wire’ greater calm, happiness, and success into your brain and life.
This first introductory session, here, has two very simple goals:
- FIRSTLY... to give you a way to instantly and profoundly calm your mind and body, anytime you want. And...
- SECONDLY... to start the process of automatically spreading greater calm throughout your life.
How To Use This Session
- Settle back in a place where you won’t be disturbed…
- Put on a pair of STEREO headphones (this is a unique 3D stereo audio-odyssey, so you’ll want to listen in stereo. Obviously the better the quality of the headphones, the better the experience)…
- Close your eyes and follow along.
When To Use This Session
You can use this session:
- Anytime you'd like to ease a generalised sense of anxiety...
- Anytime you'd like to quickly calm your body...
- Anytime you need to relax or de-stress...
- Anytime you just want a pleasurable break from your day...
- Anytime you'd like help falling asleep (whether you're anxious before bed, or if you wake up in the middle of the night)...
What This Session Won’t Do For You
- While this “Instant Calm” session has been designed to give you instant calm from stress, worry and anxiety, it has NOT been designed to help stop panic attacks (panic and anxiety are different phenomena, with different psychological and physiological processes. For my best help with panic attacks, please visit www.PanicFree.TV)
- Obviously, this session WON’T fix any external real-life events which may have been triggering your anxiety. (When anxiety is a real signal, the best antidote is usually to take intelligent action. E.g. finally doing your tax return, studying for that important exam, or having an important conversation with your boss or partner).
- This “Instant Calm” session is NOT designed to resolve specific anxiety issues such as PTSD, OCD, social anxiety, public speaking anxiety, etc. (However, if you have any issue you'd like my personal help with, please contact me at support at for details about how we can setup a 1-on-1 Skype session).
Since this is a deep relaxation session, please do NOT listen to this session while driving or doing anything else that requires your full attention.
Also, please give yourself adequate time to fully re-orient yourself afterwards. (Alternatively, if you’re listening at night, you can just fall asleep after you finish. However, while you can use this recording to help you sleep — and this is a great idea if you have sleep issues — you won’t get optimal results if you always sleep through it).
The Rest Of The “Instant Calm” Series
As I’m sure you’ll appreciate after listening, this session has been a labour of love and has taken a tremendous amount of time to create (by both myself AND my amazing music and audio team, who, collectively, have worked with some of the best artists in the world—including Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, and Coldplay).
I’m currently working hard on the rest of the “Instant Calm & Automatic Change” series, and while there is a lot more work to be done, I’ll be sure to let you know when I release more sessions.
I hope you enjoy this unique audio experience and the calm it brings you.
OPTION #1: Listen immediately without having to download anything...
OPTION #2: Download an MP3 version you can listen to offline...